
Ösztöndíj fiatal rhinológusok részére


Every year, a number of Fellowships are awarded each to the value of 1200E to enable trainees to attend one of a range of international courses. Applicants must complete the an application form and return it electronically to the secretary, rhinologysecretary@amc.nl by the 15th January 2016 irrespective of the course for which they are applying.

Dear national delegates of the ERS,

Every year, a number of Fellowships are awarded each to the value of 1200E to enable trainees to attend one of a range of international courses.Applicants must complete the an application form and return it electronically to the secretary, rhinologysecretary@amc.nl by the 15th January 2016 irrespective of the course for which they are applying.

The applicant must be 35 or under and must be a junior member of ERS. Applicants have to indicate their course of choice (with option of a second or third choice). The application must be accompanied by a letter of support from their head of department and/or other supporting evidence indicating why they should be awarded the fellowship. This should cover their stage of training, aptitude and knowledge.Then the reports as presently shown followed by the updated info on the courses.

In Stockholm at the ERS meeting some people expressed the wish to have courses in their countries to be part of the ERS fellowship programme.

The fellowship programme now contains the courses in Amsterdam, London, Nijmegen and Graz.
We have decided that every course that is under auspices of the ERS can apply to be a recipient for these fellows.

Please let me know at your earliest convenience but before November 15th whether there are courses in your country that you would like to put on this list. We expect the recipient course to keep one place open for a fellow until the election has been done.

Please let me know whether you need any further information.

Kind regards

Wytske Fokkens
General secretary ERS

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