
15. Croatian International Rhinosurgical Advanced School

2012. október 9-12. között a zágrábi Rebro Egyetemi Oktatókórház Fül- Or- Gégészeti Osztályán, dr. Ranko Mladina PhD vezetésével kerül megrendezésre a melléküreg- és orrsövénysebészet, valamint az orrplasztika aktualitásaival foglalkozó 15. Croatian International Rhinosurgical Advanced School.

AOCMF 2012

2012. szeptember 27-28-án Bécsben kerül megrendezésre az AOCMF fej-nyaki malignus daganatok aktualitásaival foglalkozó komplex, multidiszciplináris rendezvénye, az "International Symposium on Head & Neck Cancer".

EAONO 2012

2012.08.30-09.02. között kerül megrendezésre a 6. Instructional Workshop and Consensus in Auditory Implants Pozsonyban. 

ESPO 2012 - From experience-based to evidence-based practice

From experience-based to evidence-based practice

The provisional programme of ESPO2012 is now online

ESPO2012 will bring together clinicians and researchers from all over the world to discuss the latest developments in Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology . The programme will include state-of-the-art plenary lectures, panels, workshops, live surgery sessions by LION and selected presentations from submitted abstracts. There will be ample opportunity for interactive discussions.

ERS-ISIAN 2012 Toulouse, France

Dear Colleagues,

As you may know, the 24th Congress of the European Rhinologic Society (ERS) combining the 31st International Symposium of Infection and Allergy of the Nose (ISIAN) will be held in Toulouse (France) from June 17th to 21st 2012.

Endovienna 2012 Abstract Submission - Only 4 Days Left

Dear Colleagues,

The 5th World Congress for ENDOSCOPIC SURGERY of the BRAIN, SKULL BASE & SPINE and the First Global Update on FESS, THE SINUSES & THE NOSE in Vienna will bring together the pioneers and today's most renowned endoscopists, to evaluate the achievements of the last 25 years.

World Congress on Facial Plastic Surgery - 7th IFFPSS Congress

Dear colleague,

The much-anticipated 7th International Congress of the International Federation of Facial Plastic Surgery Societies "Nose & Face World 2012" will be held in Rome, the Eternal City, from the 9th to the 12th of May 2012. Distinguished members and a host of acclaimed speakers from around the world have already registered for a meeting that promises to provide a platform for a stimulating exchange of ideas and experiences from our honoured colleagues and teachers.

15th Asian Research Symposium in Rhinology

Szingapúr, 2012. május 24-26.

With this announcement we bid delegates to the 15th Asian Research Symposium in Rhinology a warm welcome to Singapore. First held in Japan in 1996, this 15th symposium builds on our tradition of scientific exchange in the subspecialty of Rhinology amongst the Asian countries.

Malta Head and Neck Course

Málta, 2012. február 10-12.

This event will provide an overview of the management of Head and Neck cancer, within a format of lectures, case presentations and interactive discussion, with an emphasis on audience participation throughout. The course objective is to offer a comprehensive evidence-based multidisciplinary approach to the management of head and neck cancer, and the varied experiences of the authoritative faculty will add rich insights to the programme.

Course Topics
thyroid, salivary glands, the neck, larynx, oropharynx, hypopharynx, nasopharynx, nose and sinuses, anterior skullbase, rare tumours

This course has been awarded 15 CME credits in line with UEMS criteria

5th World Congress for Endoscopic Surgery

Dear friends and colleagues,

The 5th World Congress for ENDOSCOPIC SURGERY of the BRAIN, SKULL BASE & SPINE in Vienna will deal with the fascinating and sometimes breathtaking latest developments of endoscopic possibilities along and through skull base, inside the brain and spine. 3-D endoscopy, magnificent HD endoscopic cameras and sophisticated instrumentation will be on display and used during numerous live on-stage demonstration dissections, performed by the masters and pioneers of the specialty.

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Megjelent Dr. Reményi Ákos
"A hangprotézissel végzett
beszédrehabilitáció gyakorlati kérdései
című szakkönyve.
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Megjelent Hirschberg Andor professzor úr "Gyakorlati rinológia" című szakkönyve.
Évente számtalan szakkönyv jelenik meg világszerte ebben a témában, hazánkban azonban mindez ideig ilyen jellegű kiadvány
nem látott napvilágot.
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Katona Gábor és Hirschberg Jenő szerkesztésében a

Gyermek Fül-orr-gégészet

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Megjelent Hirschberg Jenő, Hacki Tamás,
Mészáros Krisztina szerkesztésében a


első és második kötete.
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